Thursday, September 20, 2012


Spindelgubben animation started with an idea to storyboard and making of the stage the hero is Spiderman but with a new name Spideruncle with blue tack under the feet so he can stand. A simple story some bad robots come to destroy the city. Spideruncle tryes to stop them but gets stuck in his own net.

Making the scenery was fun putting in two real lights and making the grass areas by cutting yarn painting the streets and gluing sand in the arias at the middle. It took some time but just as fun as filming. Silent one stage filming begun with laughter and fun for both Children and characters in front of the camera. Children start acting in front of the camera when nothing else is happening in the scenery and somebody snaps some pictures and that is fun some of the pictures can later be added in the end text.

The filming did not take long when preparations where made ACTION one child took pictures and other children mowed the characters. Children also like to watch when the animation is made and the story unfolds. The animation is made in a short time whit enough accuracy that it can be put together but not takes too long to make. The movement of the character is about 1 cm/mowe and the camera operator says when the picture is taken so the mowers now when to get out of the way, out of frame. Sound is chosen and made by the children that participate in editing.

The movie is ready and will be edited so you can see it on internet soon.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Video Editing easy as ABC

I hawe had children editing their own material just wathing the project being put together is interesting children are influenced by what they seen in different medias. Children   understand how videoediting work suprisingly fast. The fact that use of computers and internet starts at a young age can hawe something to do with it.

Videoediting comes with doing together with a friend and working towards a result that satisfies all ivolved in editing. Enjoying the result is always fun and rewarding.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Media around us

Everywhere we go today different kind of media can be seen, clothing stores, supermarkets basically all over. Children interprets media as they experience them it could be different. Parents and the educational system could give more support and hawe a educateing part. When working with children makeing animations ore talking about media often comes to mind that children are often aloun with thought about what they experience while handling different media.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Digital Paintings

Children got to use a drawing pad connected to a computer and some intresting work of art was produced. The prise is at least 2000 eur a piece to use as you wish. It's a bargain they are artists of the future.


The situation came from the curiosity of a child. The name of the artworks are iloista, Prinsessa and raketti.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Animation about a pencil

Oops what a picture.

Saving the world is not easy but something we should do everyday. Children are makeing an animation where the leading actor is a pencil. Then i asked what the story could be about and the children proposed "saving the world" nothing less I thought. Then a child says "saving the world is a lot of small things" wonderfol now I know the animation will be an success.

About makeing the animation in finnish.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Making the scenery is as fun as making the animation and the learning begins when it’s fun. When a child asks when the project continues I know it is meaningful to continue and has an chance to make a lasting impression. Making animations demands understanding of how many parts it’s made of. The reaction when a child looks at an animation it has done is magnificent and rewarding.

Spindel Gubben Animation