Friday, June 28, 2013

Pojat seikkailee animation

The premier of Pojat seikkailee is here made in four days by three children. One of the animators told me it was demanding to make. But here it is.
Hope you enjoyed the show and thank you fore watching.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

OK! This is how it´s done. Maybe we could...

Children needs to be shown how its done and this is a animation we did just to do that.

Easy and short don't need to be complicated. And without sound we watched it many times and every time children experienced the same joy and started to put sounds effects when watching the preview.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Trailer to Pojat seikkailee animation. One of the children that created this animation has dreamt about it he told me, he thought animating was that much fun. It is rewarding to hear that what we do inspires and leaves a trail in the minds of children.

The day will come. Premièr Friday 28 of June 

We can use music produced by others in educational purpose when we don't get financial benefits.

Text in Finish
Tekijän yksinoikeutta on rajoitettu joiltakin osin. Ilman tekijän lupaa teoksen saa esittää jumalanpalveluksessa ja opetustoiminnassa (ei koske ansiotarkoituksessa harjoitettavaa opetusta) sekä tilaisuudessa, jossa teosten esittäminen ei ole pääasia ja johon pääsy on maksuton ja jota ei järjestetä ansiotarkoituksessa. Tällaiseen esittämiseen ei siis tarvita Teoston lupaa eikä Teosto laskuta esityksestä korvausta.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pojat Seikkailee

The latest animation we made Boys on a adventures will first be shown on this blog on the 28 June 2013 made in four days by tree children.
Characters from the animation
The idea fore Story come as animating progressed the sound and voice over where fun to add. The characters has guitars to play with and cars to drive.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Visit from Japan

Distance between Japan and Finland by air.
Thank you for visiting us in Vaasa and shoving interest in how we work. The visit had nothing to do with animating and was about our kindergarten routines. You hopefully got inspired anyway.

Blog from earlier collaboration with kindergarten in Japan.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Summer is coming and we slow down but characters are ready for fall when the animation takes shape. We will edit some small animations add sound then put them on this blog doing the summer.

Meany hands mowing the objects

Happens at the harbour.

Child observing the last picture.

The last picture in a short animation and the child leaves with his elbows on the edge of the table and observe the end of the animation. Animation is 275 pictures (clicks) long so the animators did a good job. “When is it ready” some comments about the time it takes to make animations always accrue but
the result is worth it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Give me an M Give me an O Give me an N ore just give me MonkeyJam.

MonkeyJam is the program we use to capture pictures to the animation we make. It was recommended By Ruth-Helene Melioranski - Nukufilmi Lastestuudio, from Tallinn at a seminar in Tampere 2005 and I have used it sins that. It’s a free program but if you think that it is worth paying fore, you can support it by Donating. We do not use all the features that the program is capable to, but it is good and simple to use for children when it’s been set up by an adult.

We use MonkeyJam to make stopmotion animations. First we must create new exposure sheet. Then we start the video capture window. You can see the background and a mowing picture on the screen. the capture button takes the pictures.

For more information about Monkeyjam visit

By the way MonkeyJam is just fun to say MonkeyJam MonkeyJam MonkeyJam

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The computer we use.

The animations are made and edited with an computer as seen in earlier blog text "new animators" we use an stationary computer provided by the organization we are working under.

The computer has 80GB hard drive to store the pictures and animations on. Video card hmmm nothing to mention. We hope it copes with the animation making and lots of rendering.

We hope to get an optimal computer fore animating and other equipment to enjoy the ready animations in the future. Animations can be made with simple means and a lot of imagination.

The computer is connected to a web camera that is suspended over the background that lays on the table. The mouse button is used to capture the pictures.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Recipe for animating

It doesn't take long before a child understands how a animation is made picture after picture is taken and the figures are mowed we try to get no hands showing in the finished animation and if by mistake one picture has hands in it we take it away when we edit the animation.

The pictures taken. The children that made this animation gave it the name Shark Story.
Pictures taken in Japan and sound made in Finland.

That an animation is made of pictures is clarified by looking at flipbooks and simple paper around a pen a two picture animation.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Characters and backgrounds

Animating has got to the stage where children prepare characters and backgrounds.

Making background

Ready background

The story is continuing to unfold while making the backgrounds and characters and sometimes it is just fun to move characters under the camera and watch the movement on the computer screen.

Age limits fore movies and games

The same thing is time after time discussed with children and sometime I get to wonder why parents put their children in harm’s way when they don’t follow the age limits on games and movies. Over and over this needs to be discussed with children and their parents. It’s a responsibility for parents to control what their children are doing and this also applies to the age limits of movies and games. Children compete who has seen ore played R rated (18) movies ore games. Studies show it is bad for a child’s development to watch what is not meant for their age. Please don’t be passive be active in fostering your children.

About age restrictions in Finland (Finnish)

We inform about age limits with a little screen where parents come in with their children to kindergarten and a leaflet to take home.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The story is unfolding

The story starts at a kindergarten where children is at morning gathering and the day takes a strange turn and no one knows where it will end. In animating the imagination sets the limits, When introducing animating I give the story a start and the animating children do the rest and make the journey fun while animating and sometimes when they get going it’s hard to stop. 
 Not yet ready background
The children are at the age of 5 and 6 and critical with the result, first thoughts how do you make the hands disappear. When they tried to move and click move and click move and click they understand how it’s done they comment if there by mistake are hands showing in the animation. Sometimes I delete the pictures that shows hands and sometime I leave them in the animation as an evidence of the process making animations.

Today the discussion at breakfast handled the amount of televisions they have at home at most three but many had one or two.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Animators

We needed to start over we now have a old computer but new fore us to animate with, I have used my own until now but do to the hard use lots of animating and rendering it took a dive and is no more. Getting a new group of children to animate was easy, as always they got inspired and some short animations were made. Soon some will be published here on this blog.

Animation studio
I appreciate the interest in what we do and hope it inspire someone to take a step towards this way of working with children.