Friday, April 12, 2013

The story is unfolding

The story starts at a kindergarten where children is at morning gathering and the day takes a strange turn and no one knows where it will end. In animating the imagination sets the limits, When introducing animating I give the story a start and the animating children do the rest and make the journey fun while animating and sometimes when they get going it’s hard to stop. 
 Not yet ready background
The children are at the age of 5 and 6 and critical with the result, first thoughts how do you make the hands disappear. When they tried to move and click move and click move and click they understand how it’s done they comment if there by mistake are hands showing in the animation. Sometimes I delete the pictures that shows hands and sometime I leave them in the animation as an evidence of the process making animations.

Today the discussion at breakfast handled the amount of televisions they have at home at most three but many had one or two.

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